Al-Aga Mosque
Al-Aga Mosque
- Al–Aga Mosque known also as the ‘Mosque of Mlika’ is the oldest Musjid in Kosovo as well as in the entire Balkan region.
- This Musjid was built in 1289, which is more than 100 years before the Albainan Lands became a part of the Ottoman Empire.
- According to a document found in the Mufti office of Aleppo city in Syria, a family named Al-Aga is believed to have been migrated from Aleppo to Albanian territories from 1095 until 1291, particularly in the area known as Mlika where this Musjid was build.
- This Musjid lies in the southern part of Kosovo and has been reconstructed several times during its history.
- It is still active and quite a good congregation frequents the mosque especially during Friday prayers.