THE CITY GATES OF JERUSALEM Damascus Gate Steps leading to the Maghrabi gate on the western wall Shrapnel scarred Nabi Dawood AS Gate THE CITY GATES OF JERUSALEM Jerusalem | Middle East | Heritage Sites THE CITY GATES OF JERUSALEM The gates of Jerusalem were built in...
HIMS CITADEL AND THE OLD CITY WALLS HIMS CITADEL AND THE OLD CITY WALLS Syria | Places Of Interest | Heritage Sites | Asia HIMS CITADEL AND THE OLD CITY WALLS There are a few remains of the Hims Citadel in the southwest of the old city which appear to be of Ayyubid...
OLD CITY WALLS AND ITS DOORS Bab as-Saghir – the southern gates of the city OLD CITY WALLS AND ITS DOORS Syria | Places Of Interest | Heritage Sites | Asia OLD CITY WALLS AND ITS DOORS The old city of Damascus was always surrounded by extensive fortifications....
MOUNT QĀSIYŪN MOUNT QĀSIYŪN MOUNT QĀSIYŪN Syria | Places Of Interest | Asia MOUNT QĀSIYŪN This is a mountain that overlooks the city of Damascus. The slopes of this renowned mountain are the home to many a legend. One such legend is that a cave on the slope facing the...
DARUL ULOOM DEOBAND Musjid Rasheed DARUL ULOOM DEOBAND Places Of Interest | India | Asia DARUL ULOOM DEOBAND Named after the city of its origin, the north Indian town of Deoband, the madrasa was founded in 1867 by Moulana Rashid Ahmad Gangohi and Moulana Qasim...
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