
Discover Islamic heritage sites and Places of interest. Select a continent or country from the All Countries dropdown menu, then you may refine your search by category. To search for a particular keyword or title, use the search page, available from the top menu. Heritage sites (older than ~60 years) are displayed with a shaded background. 

Musjid Malcom Shabazz

Located in Harlem, this Musjid holds historical significance as it was once led by Malcolm X, a key figure in the American civil rights movement and the Nation of Islam before his conversion to the true Islam.

The Mosque Cares

The Mosque Cares

The Mosque Cares is a non-profit Islamic da'wah project founded by Imam Warith Deen Muhammad (1933–2008). He was a...

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Sapelo Island

Sapelo Island

Sapelo Island, Georgia: This island is home to one of the oldest Muslim communities in theUnited States, descended...

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North Dakota Mosque

North Dakota Mosque

Set in the remote prairie of North Dakota, surrounded by wheat fields, cattle pastures, and oil rigs, are the remains...

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