Esmahan Sultan Mosque
Esmahan Sultan Mosque
Esmahan Sultan Mosque
Esmahan Sultan Mosque
Esmahan Sultan Mosque
Esmahan Sultan Mosque
Esmahan Sultan Mosque

Esmahan Sultan Mosque

Esmahan Sultan Mosque
  • Situated in Mangalia, Constanța County, the Musjid serves a community comprising 800 Muslim families, predominantly of Turkish and Tatar descent.

  • In 1452, when Dobrogea fell under Ottoman rule, and the region became a melting pot of various ethnicities including Turkish, Tatar, Bulgarian, Circassian, Gagauz, Greek, and Jewish, renowned Turkish traveler Evliya Çelebi mentioned, “… go to Mangalia, which is the Kaaba/Makkah of the wandering and poor people.”

  • The Esmehan Sultan Mosque was erected in 1575 by its namesake, Ismihan, the daughter of Ottoman Sultan Selim II and Nurbanu Sultan, and wife of Ottoman Grand Vizier Sokollu Mehmed Pasha. Renovated in the 1990s, the mosque encompasses a graveyard adorned with tombstones dating back 300 years.

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