Entrance to the factoryInterior of the factory The King Fahd Complex for the Printing of the Holy Qur’an is a printing...
Discover Islamic heritage sites and Places of interest. Select a continent or country from the All Countries dropdown menu, then you may refine your search by category. To search for a particular keyword or title, use the search page, available from the top menu. Heritage sites (older than ~60 years) are displayed with a shaded background
Musjid Kuno Bayan Beleq
The name "Bayan" is derived from the Arabic word meaning "illuminator" or "one who brings light." Since the 16th...
This Musjid is the first Musjid in Africa. It was originally built in 641 CE, as the center of the newly founded...
Al Azhar University
Mu’izz li-Din Allah of the Fatimid dynasty commissioned the construction of the Musjid in their new capital of Egypt...
Mezquita de Mar del Plata
Mosque of Mar del PlataMosque of Mar del PlataMosque of Mar del Plata Tucked away on Bolívar and Córdoba streets, this...
The Arab Palace – Palacio Árabe
Plaque in the building's grand hallMinaret that graces one of the chamfered corners In the heart of Mar del Plata,...
Mesquita Brasil
Interior of the Masjid Mesquita Brasil dates back to the 1920s. In the aftermath of the World War I, many Muslim...
Centro Islâmico do Amazonas – Islamic Center of Manaus
Manaus; located in northern Brazil, is the capital city of the state of Amazonas. In a momentous event that unfolded...
King Fahd Islamic Cultural Center
The Islamic Cultural Center "Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Fahd" in Argentina is a mosque and center...
Giralda Tower; the former Minaret of the Mosque of Seville
The Giralda is the former minaret of the mosque that stood on the site under Muslim rule, and was built to resemble...