Id Kah Mosque
Id Kah Mosque

Id Kah Mosque

Id Kah Mosque
  • The Musjid was built in 1442 (although it incorporated older structures dating back to 996) by Saqsiz Mirza, the elder of two sons of Amir Sayyid Ali, to commemorate his ancestors. The Musjid covers an area of around 16,000 square meters.
  • The Musjid’s modern golden-brick structure was built in 1798, replacing the older building, and was further expanded in 1838 to its current size.
  • On 9 August 1933, Chinese Muslim General Ma Zhancang killed and beheaded the Uyghur leader Timur Beg, displaying his head on a spike at Id Kah Musjid. 
  • In March 1934, it was reported that the Uyghur emir Abdullah Bughra was also beheaded, the head being displayed at Id Kah Musjid. 
  • In April 1934, the Chinese Muslim general Ma Zhongying gave a speech at Id Kah Mosque in Kashgar, telling the Uyghurs to be loyal to the Republic of China Kuomintang government of Nanjing. 
  • The Musjid received a renovation in 1981, and the Musjid’s façade was covered with tiles between 2004 and 2005.
  • On 30 July 2014, the imam of the Musjid at the time, Jume Tahir, was stabbed to death shortly after attending morning prayers. His unknown successor was jailed for 15 years by the Chinese authorities in 2017, having been accused of spreading extremism.

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Tagged as: Masjid | Heritage Sites

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