Massalikul Jinaan Mosque
Massalikul Jinaan Mosque
- In the early 2000s, the land where the Musjid stands today was donated by President Abdoulaye Wade. Work on the Massalikul Jinaan Mosque, which means “the Paths to Paradise”, began around 2004. Construction then took place for around 15 years by Consortium des Entreprises du Sénégal and eventually the Musjid was opened on 27 September 2019.
- It is the largest Musjid in West Africa, the Massalikul Jinaan Mosque can accommodate up to 15,000 worshippers – with its wide entrance and cool white-marble architecture, this Musjid remains one of the most beautiful in Senegal. The interior includes a gold-leaf dome, giant chandeliers and decorations hand drawn by Moroccan workmen.
- The costs of the religious building would have exceeded 32 million dollars. The Musjid has five minarets, a gold leaf cupola and decorations made by hand by Moroccan artisans. Some believe that the Musjid is a symbol of the economic power of the Mourides which, over the years, allowed them to acquire significant political and cultural influence.