The Sinan Pasha Musjid is an Ottoman Musjid in the city of Prizren, Kosovo. It was built in 1615 by Sofi Sinan Pasha,...
Central Adelaide Mosque
The Central Adelaide Musjid, also recognized as Adelaide City Musjid or Adelaide Central Musjid or Adelaide Musjid,...
Putra Mosque
The Putra Musjid, the primary Musjid of Putrajaya, Malaysia, stands as a grand edifice renowned for its distinctive...
Kruszyniany Mosque
The Kruszyniany Musjid stands as a wooden sanctuary nestled in the village of Kruszyniany, within the Podlaskie...
Wazir Khan Mosque
The Wazir Khan Musjid, a 17th-century Mughal Musjid, is situated in Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan. Commissioned during the...
Mosque of Rome
The Mosque of Rome, located in the Parioli district of Rome, Italy, stands as the largest Musjid in the Western world...
Hassan II Mosque
The Hassan II Mosque in Casablanca, Morocco, stands as a stunning architectural marvel. It ranks as the second-largest...
As-Sahabah Mosque
As-Sahabah Mosque (Arabic: مسجد الصحابة), situated at Maydan Al-Sahaba Square in Derna, Libya, was constructed in the...
Massalikul Jinaan Mosque
In the early 2000s, the land where the Musjid stands today was donated by President Abdoulaye Wade. Work on the...