The Sunan Ampel Mosque is located in the city of Surabaya, East Java, and is named after one of the nine saints of...
Istiqlal Mosque
The Istiqlal Mosque is often regarded as a major symbol of religious tolerance on the island of Java, it’s the sheer...
Masjid Raya Al Mashun (the Great Mosque of Medan)
In front of Maimoon Palace, about 100 meters, stands the Great Mosque of Medan or Masjid Raya Al Mashun, a popular...
Grand Mosque of Baiturrahman
The original Masjid Raya ("Grand Mosque") was built in 1612 during the reign of Sultan Iskandar Muda. Some say the...
Jamek Mosque
Jamek Mosque, officially Sultan Abdul Samad Jamek Mosque is one of the oldest Musjids in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. It is...
KapitanKeling Mosque
The Kapitan Keling Mosque is a Musjid built in the 19th century by Indian Muslim traders in George Town, Penang,...
Ketchaoua Mosque
The Ketchaoua Mosque was commissioned in 1520 by Hayreddin Barbarossa, then-Ottoman ruler of Algeria, in the famed...
Malacca Straits Mosque
Especially beautiful at morning or dusk, this gold-domed Musjid overlooks the Strait of Melaka from its shoreside...
Great Mosque of Algiers
The Great Mosque of Algiers, Djamaâ El-Djazaïr, or Mosque of Algeria, is a Musjid located in Algiers, Algeria. The...