The Hassan II Mosque in Casablanca, Morocco, stands as a stunning architectural marvel. It ranks as the second-largest...
Place of interest
As-Sahabah Mosque
As-Sahabah Mosque (Arabic: مسجد الصحابة), situated at Maydan Al-Sahaba Square in Derna, Libya, was constructed in the...
Massalikul Jinaan Mosque
In the early 2000s, the land where the Musjid stands today was donated by President Abdoulaye Wade. Work on the...
Taipei Grand Mosque
The Taipei Grand Mosque is Taiwan's largest and oldest Musjid, located in the Da'an District of Taipei City. It stands...
Uganda National Mosque
The Uganda National Mosque, also known as Gaddafi Mosque, is a Musjid located on Kampala Hill in the Old Kampala area...
Kobe Mosque
Kobe Mosque, also known as Kobe Muslim Musjid, was founded in October 1935 in Kobe and is Japan's first Musjid. It is...
The Musjid of Islamic Solidarity (Masajidka Isbahaysiga)
Built in 1987 with generous financial backing from Saudi Arabia, “The Musjid of Islamic Solidarity” stands tall as the...
Lakemba Mosque
Lakemba Mosque, also known as Ali ibn Abi Talib Musjid, is one of Australia's largest and most famous Musjids. It is...
Melbourne Grand Mosque
The Melbourne Grand Mosque, which opened in 2022, was a decade-long project funded by the Werribee Islamic Centre and...