- Badr is a town located about 150km away from the blessed city of Madinah and was named after a well which is situated there.
- It was the site where the first major battle between the Muslims and the Quraysh of Makkah took place, in the year 2AH. The hostilities between the Makkans and the Muslims came to a head after tensions rose post-migration. The 313 poorly-equipped Muslim force found themselves confronted by a force of a thousand or so Makkan warriors. Despite being outnumbered, the Muslims miraculously carried the day. The battle marked the turning point for the nascent Muslim community for they moved from a defensive stance to one of stability and expansion. It boosted the morale of the Muslims and damaged the confidence of the Makkans. The victory sent shockwaves throughout the region, as the loosely organised tribes came to realise that the Muslims were a force to be reckoned with.
- The battle enjoys the prestige of being the only battle to have been mentioned by name in the Holy Quran.
- In recent years, a large marble structure was erected bearing the names of the 14 companions who’d been martyred during this battle and their graves are located at an enclosed area in Badr.