The Mosque of the Companions (Arabic: مَسْجِد ٱلصَّحَابَة, Musjid aṣ-Ṣaḥābah) is a Musjid in the city of Massawa,...
Discover Islamic heritage sites and Places of interest. Select a continent or country from the All Countries dropdown menu, then you may refine your search by category. To search for a particular keyword or title, use the search page, available from the top menu. Heritage sites (older than ~60 years) are displayed with a shaded background.
Arba-a Rukun Mosque
The Musjid Arba'a Rukun is one of the oldest Islamic places of worship in Mogadishu. It was built around 667 AH...
Sidi Okba Mosque
Sidi Okba Mosque (Arabic: مسجد سيدي عقبة, Musjid Sayyidi ʻUqbah) is a historic Musjid in Algeria, located in the...
The Musjid of Islamic Solidarity (Masajidka Isbahaysiga)
Built in 1987 with generous financial backing from Saudi Arabia, “The Musjid of Islamic Solidarity” stands tall as the...
Al Rifai Mosque
The Al-Rifa'i Musjid is located in Citadel Square, next to the Cairo Citadel. Its name comes from Ali Abu Shubbak, who...
Muhammad Ali Mosque
The Muhammad Ali Musjid, also known as the Alabaster Musjid, sits in the Citadel of Cairo in Egypt. It was built by...
Ibn Tulun Mosque
The Musjid of Ibn Tulun is in Cairo, Egypt. It's one of the oldest Musjids in Egypt and Africa, still in its original...
Ketchaoua Mosque
The Ketchaoua Mosque was commissioned in 1520 by Hayreddin Barbarossa, then-Ottoman ruler of Algeria, in the famed...
Great Mosque of Algiers
The Great Mosque of Algiers, Djamaâ El-Djazaïr, or Mosque of Algeria, is a Musjid located in Algiers, Algeria. The...