Mezquita As-Salam is a Sunni Muslim Musjid located in Santiago's Ñuñoa district, it holds the distinction of being...
Place of interest
Dublin Mosque
Dublin Musjid is a Musjid on the South Circular Road, Dublin in Ireland. It is the headquarters of the Islamic...
Jarvenpaa Mosque
Järvenpää Mosque is a Musjid located in the Finnish town of Järvenpää. It is owned by The Finnish-Islamic...
Central Jamaat-e-Ahl-e-Sunnat
The congregation was founded in 1976 after a group of Sufi-oriented first-generation Pakistani immigrants split from...
Masjid Agung Baiturrahman Gili Trawangan
Masjid Agung Baiturrahman, located on Gili Trawangan, is a prominent musjid that serves as a spiritual and cultural...
Istiqlal Mosque
Istiqlal Mosque, located in Jakarta, Indonesia, is the largest musjid in Southeast Asia and one of the largest in the...
Musjid Cut Meutia
Cut Meutia Musjid is located at Jalan Cut Meutia No. 1, Menteng, Central Jakarta. This Musjid building is one of the...
Saigon Central Musjid
Saigon Central Musjid is one of Ho Chi Minh City's historic musjids, originally built in the 1930s by South Indian...
Islamic Center NTB Hubbul Wathan Great Mosque
Boasting vibrant interiors, four floors, five domes, and five towers (with one of them reaching 99-meter high), the...