- Ja’far RA was the paternal cousin of the Prophet ﷺ and resembled him most in character and features. He accepted Islam early on at the hands of Abu Bakr RA and when the persecution by the Quraish became intolerable, he migrated to Abyssinia along with a few other Companions RA.
- When summoned by the King to explain why they had left their homeland and what their ‘new’ religion was, it was Ja’far RA who came forward and delivered one of the most eloquent and most compelling descriptions of Islam.
- The Prophet ﷺ loved Ja’far RA dearly and said to him upon his return from Abyssinia – which coincided with the conquest of Khaybar, “I don’t know what brings me greater joy – the arrival of Ja’far or the conquest of Khaybar.”
- Due to his love for the poor the Prophet ﷺ honoured him with the title of ‘Abul Masakin’. He was posthumously known as ‘At-Tayyar’ (The flying one) due to the Prophet’s ﷺ remark after learning of his martyrdom – “I see Ja’far flying with the angels in Jannah.”